Equal Education
JPjoy Charity Project

We want to spread the joy of learning.

JPjoy provides equitable education to children who have limited access to educational opportunities.
We hope to contribute to the elimination of educational disparities around the world through the math education card game "Fraction Master." We also launched the JPjoy Charity Project with the hope that children will enjoy learning math as much as possible, rather than thinking of math as something they're bad at.
We will deliver the educational card game free of charge to child welfare facilities, children's centers, elementary schools, etc.


Invented by students of Chikuma Gakuen, the top feeder school for Tokyo University!
An educational math card game that children and adults can play together

Overcome your child's math difficulties while playing!
"Fraction Master" is an educational card game where players use cards to create random fractions determined by dice, honing math skills like an artisan.
Created by students at Tsukuba Komaba High School, renowned for its high university admission rates, the game has sold over 10,000 copies and gained popularity.
By engaging with fractions through cards, players can learn math basics and improve calculation skills, making it enjoyable for all ages—from kids to seniors, and math enthusiasts to those seeking to overcome weaknesses.

Project Flow
Sending "Fraction Master" to the necessary facilities.
Children learn while playing.
Children interact with JPjoy members.
Playing with Fraction Master.
Sugo School

Mr. Tomita

Mr. Hagiwara

Smile Child Care Facility
Tokyo Kanagawa Prefecture

Wakamatsu School
Gifu Prefecture

Mrs. Katayanagi

Hikari-kai Moriyama School
Shiga Prefecture

Social Welfare Corporation Kitashin Welfare Association Asunaro School
Ishikawa Prefecture

Mr. Imazu

Inpaku Children's Academy
Tottori Prefecture

Media Coverage
+ 20 Facilities

JPjoy Fund makes donations to support schools and facilities that support children's learning and growth.
Kinjo Rokkaen
Aichi prefecture

Equal Education
JPjoy Charity Project
Tsurumi School
Kanagawa Prefecture

Kinjo Rokkaen
Aichi prefecture